Thursday, August 9, 2007


This is my project, worked on along with a small team at another forum (which happens to be down at the moment.)

It's a Fire Emblem fighting game, similar to Street Fighter, using the game engine M.U.G.E.N.

It will have lots of characters, and has so far taken lots of work. You can find information about it at as well as in the more frequent updates around here. You will see characters and returning characters from the previous one. It is a nice project, as the pictures below will show you.

NOTE- Please click on the first image to see all of it. The blog unfortunatly limits the image. This will mess up some plans of mine...

You'll like it. In a little bit, you'll see some of the characters and their moves; like the Super Smash Bros. Brawl website! ^_^

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